
Part 1 The papal reform movement and the conflict eith the Empire c(1946-1122): Christian society in the middle of the eleventh century the pattern of social change monastic growth and change the papal reform (1046-1073) the discord of empire and papacy (1073-1099) Greeks and Saracens the conflict renewed - the question of investiture (1099-1122). Part 2 the growth of Christendom (1122-1198): the Roman Church and the empire in the twelfth century the government of the church in the twelfth century the new monastic orders the Christian frontier the message of the churches Christianity and social ideas dissent the formulation of the faith property, privilege and law. Part 3 The thirteenth century: the pontificate of Innocent III (1198-1216) friars, beguines and the action against heresy proclaiming the faith reason and hope in a changing world the structure of government the Roman Church and the lay power in the thirteenth century.

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