
During the 1950s, the principle of nuclear threat was actually applied by the capitalist and Communist backed by United States of America(U.S.A) and Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic (U.S.S.R) in both Northern and Southern Korea during the Korean War which lasted from 1950 to 1953 with the signing of an armistice . But U.S. forces strongly inflicted waste to North Korean targets, dropping tons of bombs and napalm, which killed over 20 percent of the Korean population. Therefore, the advancement of North Korean nuclear building and testing is the result of over half a century of steadily accumulated scientific know-how and single-minded subterfuge, taking advantage of lax regulations and shady foreign partners to hoodwink the international non-proliferation regime to prepare any further aggression from whom so ever. North Korea has shown that she is dedicated to acquiring nuclear weapons, and it is very hard to stop any country that is completely dedicated. In fact, the combination of such radical military diplomatic strategies, sale of missile technologies and the export of coal and minerals have enabled North Korea to be able to finance its nuclear procurement the way it desired. North Korea is very creative in the way that it goes about sanctions evasion, and the patterns in which it goes about it vary. For example, North Korea often sends trusted nationals to China to set up front companies, often in collaboration with Chinese citizens. These companies then import equipment from Western manufacturers, who often have no way of knowing that the companies are really fronts controlled by the North Korean regime. This enable the country to be more advance in terms of manufacturing and launching of atomic bombs in Asia to frighten a lone HyperSuper power (United States of America) the rest of the World. The present article intends to sort out clearly what provoked North Korea to be aggressively building up and testing her atomic bombs spanning from 1950 to 2017. We decided to use the methodology of collecting evidence from specialized journals, magazines, websites, and other relevant sources which can be useful to tackle the main problem of the present article. Our findings show that the phenomenon of Korean nuclear threats is link to massive terrorist practices in the Asian Continent which has been affecting nearly all other continents in the 21st Century.

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