
Six aneuploid tomato plants with 2n−1=23 chromosomes were observed in populations grown from the seedlings treated with thermal neutrons and from seeds treated with X-rays. Four of the aneuploids were tertiary monosomics in which, as a result of centromeric interchanges between two different chromosomes, two whole arms were missing from the complement and two arms connected at the centromere. In one aneuploid, as a result of centromeric breakage, the two short arms of a homologous pair were missing from the complement and the two long arms connected to the long arm and the short arm respectively of another chromosome in which breakage had occurred also at the centromere. In one aneuploid, the interchange has occurred in the arms, and not in the centromere. Here the aneuploid condition is due to the loss of an arm with a centromere and a short piece of the other arm.

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