
Patches of glass with a second generation of small crystals of olivine, clinopyroxene, and spinel are abundant in hydrous peridotite mantle xenoliths with tabular equigranular textures from two maar-type volcanoes, Meerfelder Maar and Dreiser Weiher (West Eifel, Germany). The patches are similar in size to the main phases of the hosting peridotite. Their central part is often occupied by relics of pargasitic amphibole. Mass-balance calculations show that the patches were formed by surface controlled incongruent thermal breakdown of amphibole according to the reaction: amphibole ↔ olivine + clinopyroxene + spinel + melt. Simultaneously with the decomposition of amphibole, small crystals of olivine, clinopyroxene, and spinel grew radially from the patch/peridotite interface toward the centre of the patch. Apart from sector zoning of clinopyroxene, the crystals are virtually homogeneous and are separated from the amphibole by a seam of melt (glass). Secondary olivines reveal higher Mg-numbers, secondary clinopyroxenes higher Cr2O3 concentrations than olivines and clinopyroxenes, respectively, of the host peridotite. The silica contents of melts produced by the above breakdown reaction range from 48 to 52% SiO2 as a function of the composition of the parent amphiboles. Patches surrounded by primary olivines only reveal no reaction with the host peridotite. The variation of SiO2, MgO and CaO in melts from these patches is the result of minor precipitation of olivine and clinopyroxene during fast cooling. If patches are in contact with primary olivine and orthopyroxene, melts are additionally modified by the reaction liquid 1 + orthopyroxene ↔ liquid 2 + olivine + clinopyroxene resulting in more silica-rich compositions between 54 and 58%. For the rare glasses richer in silica, a more complex formation is required. Veinlets along grain boundaries are filled with glasses which are chemically identical to those from nearby patches. This suggests that the veinlets were filled by melts formed by amphibole breakdown during entrainment of the xenoliths to the host magmas.

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