
The effects of human for nature environment affects through activities and behavior, that is why the knowing how to act is one of the competencies, and emphasized in harmonious developments education. That is why and scientists and educators practices, which analyses harmonious developments ideas, ecological environmental and environment protections educations areas opinion, humans provision, in aspect of behavior natures and environments must be formed targeted already in the pre-schools educations stage. In the structure of ecological culture are excreted and emphasized practical component of childs relationships with nature, which causes ecological knowing, habits and with it related actvities motives. It is necessary to organize various ecological environmental activities, which has specific content because it is directly related to nature, our environment, which determines its quality and survivor. This activity is organized by principle of activites, using childs experience, available for them activities, including various areas of activities. The planning and organising of ecological environmental activities is a very important assumption for the expierence of childs ecological environment to pile it up and to educate competencies. While we are forming childs ecological consciousness it is huge responsibility for institution and educator. During empirical research, in which participated 86 pre-schools educators, highlighted, that many participants organises ecological environmental activities often andvery often in the group and in the institution. In the institution and group very rarely, and very rarely in the institution is organised of those field activities are based on institution level which is not enough actualized attitude to ecological environmental education. In the pedagogical layer the results of the research revealed that pre-school teachers ecological envirenmental activities organizes by using various education forms, which the most popular ar converstions, discussions, the solutions of problematical questions, projects, events, trips, ecological games, fairy-tales, child artistic and creative activities. Not very highly evaluated ecological environmental activities for organising were observation, researches and experiments by participants. Doing ecological envirenmantal activities, in educators opinion, childrens are educating various competencies, in that way emphasizing ecological environmental activities integrational nature. The problematical aspects of ecological environmental activities according to participants are related with the lack of measures for those activities, lack of experience and preparation, and institutional layer provision towards ecological environmental education. Key words: practical childs relationship with nature, ecological environmental activities, childs competencies, the organising of ecological environment activities.

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