
Every year the popularity of the net metering system, for small producers of energy in the Brazilian electric system is increasing fast driven by the Normative Resolutions REN 482/2012 and REN 687/2015 of the National Electricity Agency (ANEEL). These resolutions can encourage investment in the sector and create the growth of renewable energies in the energy matrix through distributed generation (DG). The presence of DG at the distribution systems network can create reverse flows that could increase system power losses when the generation is higher than the load. On de other hand, energy storage systems (ESS), that are present in the intermittent energy sources, like solar generation, are being presented as a solution to various hitches and operating reliability in electric power systems. ESS and its management represent an important factor for efficiency and excellence in electric power systems. Hence, this paper proposes the verification of the operational impacts of DG that uses inverters as interface with the distribution grid from the perspective of reactive injection and in the management of Battery storage systems (BESS) in order to verify the behavior of Power Factor (PF) in the distribution networks and analyze its behavior toward losses, power dispatch and charging at the generation distributed.

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