
Recently Anzer (1978) has discussed a model for the motion of transients in the high corona. In this model the transient is pictured as a circular current loop with a changing radius r, and having two fixed footpoints separated by a distance 2r0at the solar surface. The transient starts off with zero velocity at the point where r = r0. At that point however the acceleration, which is given byis generally non-zero. In (1) M⊙is the solar mass; G is the gravitational constant; b (which equals a/4, where a was introduced by Anzer (1978)) is a constant on a short time scale, which however may change on a long time scale when mass or electric current is supplied to or lost by the system; f is a function describing the distribution of mass and magnetic flux, qualitatively displayed in Figure la; R is the distance of the top of the current circuit to the solar center; r2/R2as a function of R is shown in Figure lb.

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