
In this paper we investigate the differential-operator equation $$ \partial u (t, x) / \partial t + \varphi (i \partial / \partial x) u (t, x) = 0, \quad (t, x) \in (0, + \infty) \times \mathbb {R} \equiv \Omega, $$ where the function $ \varphi \in C ^ {\infty} (\mathbb {R}) $ and satisfies certain conditions. Using the explicit form of the spectral function of the self-adjoint operator $ i \partial / \partial x $, in $ L_2 (\mathbb {R}) $ it is established that the operator $ \varphi (i \partial / \partial x) $ can be understood as a pseudodifferential operator in a certain space of type $ S $. The evolution equation $ \partial u / \partial t + \sqrt {I- \Delta} u = 0 $, $ \Delta = D_x ^ 2 $, with the fractionation differentiation operator $ \sqrt { I- \Delta} = \varphi (i \partial / \partial x) $, where $ \varphi (\sigma) = (1+ \sigma ^ 2) ^ {1/2} $, $ \sigma \in \mathbb {R} $ is attributed to the considered equation. Considered equation is a nonlocal multipoint problem with the initial function $ f $, which is an element of a space of type $ S $ or type $ S '$ which is a topologically conjugate with a space of type $ S $ space. The properties of the fundamental solution of such a problem are established, the correct solvability of the problem in the half-space $ t> 0 $ is proved, the representation of the solution in the form of a convolution of the fundamental solution with the initial function is found, the behavior of the solution $ u (t, \cdot) $ for $ t \to + \infty $ (solution stabilization) in spaces of type $ S '$.

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