
The question of the new-formation of splenic or hemolymphnode tissue in the dog after splenectomy has been opened up again by Meyer,1 who, as the result of the findings of eight dogs examined after splenectomy, at periods of 30, 41, 53, 77, 89, 98, 112 and 126 days after the operation, found no changes in the lymph-nodes, either of the nature of a hyperplasia or regeneration. Doubt was, therefore, cast upon the work of preceding investigators, notably that of Tizzoni.During the years 1910-13 several series of experimental investigations in regard to this point were carried out in my laboratory, with results as yet unpublished. These are now presented here in the form of a preliminary report.Results of SpZenectomy.–Nine dogs were splenectomized and examined as follows: Three one week after the operation; three two weeks after, and three one month after. In no dog was there the slightest change apparent in the lymph-nodes of any part of the body.Five dogs were splenectomized and examined eight months after ...

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