
This article focuses on unemployed persons who qualify as part of the so-called NEET category (Not in Employment, Education, or Training). These are individuals who are simultaneously not employed, are not receiving education in an education system, and not partaking in additional training courses. NEET status may refer to a person of any age who fulfills the above-noted conditions, but frequently, in research as well as labor market analyses, it is associated with young people. The aim of this article is to present the results of pilot studies conducted on young people who have been classified as being in the NEET category. The article is an introduction to comparative studies that will be conducted in Finland and Poland. As part of the pilot conducted in Poland, the attitudes of the unemployed towards the labor market and education were examined. The material collected allowed for statistical analysis using descriptive statistics. Dependency analyses were also performed. Apart from the technical aspects (the pilot program confirmed the usefulness of the tool and the procedures applied), the study provided an array of information on NEET. The article also uses existing sources, including, above all, statistics kept by Statistics Poland, as well as documents from labor market entities.

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