
Silica occurs in abundance in a variety of hydrothermal samples from the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) hydrothermal mound, 26°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The water content, trace element chemistry, and mineralogy of crystalline silica from 15 different samples have been examined by vibrational spectroscopy and probe microanalysis. The samples are from: shallow subsurface ferric iron oxyhydroxide silica deposits (n=4), a fragment of an active white smoker chimney (n=1), anhydrite bearing hydrothermal breccias (n=2), pyrite silica breccias (n=3), and silicified wall rock breccias (n=5). Length-fast chalcedony occurs in association with variable quantities of ferric iron oxyhydroxides in hydrothermal breccias from the mound flanks, within shallower subsurface chert samples, and within white smoker chimney walls. Samples from the anhydrite zone contain textures which are suggestive of an origin involving replacement of anhydrite. Samples taken from TAG 1 and 5 from below the anhydrite zone contain no chalcedony. Instead they contain subhedral quartz crystals which show oscillatory zoning in aluminium. Two types of crystalline silica namely, type A and type B quartz, are defined on the basis of the infrared spectra in the OH region from 3200 cm−1 to 3600 cm−1. The type A quartz occurs beneath the anhydrite zone at TAG 1 and 5. We propose a model that relates specific varieties of crystalline silica to different thermal and chemical environments within the mound interior. Length-fast chalcedony occurs in an outer low temperature envelope across the top and sides of the mound. The common association between length-fast chalcedony and ferric iron oxyhydroxides suggests that chalcedony crystallization is favoured where catalysis by ferric iron can occur. The apparent suppression of fibrous silica at the expense of single quartz crystals with increasing depth is attributed to differing growth rates and degrees of supersaturation of silica-bearing solutions with increasing temperature within the mound. The transition from type A to type B single crystal growth is interpreted to occur at temperatures approaching ˜360 °C due to decreasing solubility of aluminium in quartz, so that aluminium is rendered unavailable for type A valence compensation.

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