
All societies alike have made efforts on socio, economic, political transformations in order to suit their particularized historical, cultural conditions. In this process, that, the development needs a holistic approach over just the 'economic growth' approach, ineludibly, became the pragmatic recourse to agree upon by the human kind. In other words, this norm creation of 'sustainable development' has been expanding in its scope to encompass the determinations of what needs to be done, and what needs to be checked. In the backdrop of a liberal economic system that Nepal attempts to reap benefits from, the backfiring of myopic policies has hit us, as the society fails to create self sustaining legal system in the present scene, where the country is required to juggle with three goals simultaneously, economic development, environmental soundness and human rights for the social uplift. The paper deals with these areas of concern, in order to outline the need for sustainability in Nepal through a more prudent set of laws, and their implementation which can work efficiently in rapidly changed social conditions of this nation, to address and provide better working outcomes to start with, for the future generations.


  • During the days of the law school, time and again the author of this paper would contemplate building a development related legal regime is, a task more challenging than that of Hercules, who could afford to remain focused on competence building in the arena of physical invincibility, whereas, the goals and the scope of development laws are astoundingly humongous

  • The paper deals with these areas of concern, in order to outline the need for sustainability in Nepal through a more prudent set of laws, and their implementation which can work efficiently in rapidly changed social conditions of this nation, to address and provide better working outcomes to start with, for the future generations

  • For the purpose of this paper, this paper does not go into the direction of proving or disproving how politics plays a role in the definitions’[7], what happened back or is happening neither the repercussions associated with it, rather, this paper delves to discuss how Nepal, as a developing country, has struggled to create a legal framework to reap benefits for development, trying to play in an already dominating definition of the development systems operating currently

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The Economic Pillar

While discussing Nepal's approach in strengthening the three major pillars of SD, it will be vital to understand the government's official recognition of where the country stands. In hydropower related economic aspects, a culture of any new potential venture go crashing due to the politicization of the matter, and this scenario is seen recurrently in Nepal rather than efforts in resolving the issue through a legal paradigm Another scenario is: rules are made for foreign employment as regards who can go abroad for it and how they can go; but for such an income generating activity, growing in a prolific manner by leaps and bounds, where are the laws about foreign employment bandwagon trend drawn in consonance with SD? The State has failed to come up with laws to tap in the remittance income for national development related goals, where overwhelming of such income has been flowing awash to the foreign countries consuming their goods In this situation, how could we, the Nepalese, curb this problem, when an economic legal regime is almost invisible when the national set of laws is looked into. The sustainability factor by using the revenue generated from tourism to be used in community involvement, environmental conservation and diversifying the link with cottage industries, promotion of local crafts are not being implemented through laws[35]

The Social Pillar
The Environmental Pillar
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