
Food adulteration and contamination is nothing new in this age. It is the consequence of modern civilization, people moving from places with altered social value and ethics, industrialization and rapid progression of economic activities. It is highly prominent in urban areas of many developed or underdeveloped countries and so is with in Dhaka city. Commercialism and business mind drive people toward such unethical activities knowingly or unknowingly. Most of the cases it is done by uneducated or illiterate people, having least idea about what evil they are doing to mankind. People who are health conscious mostly avoid these but many of them have to go with this because of busy life schedule or carelessness. By definition, safe food or drink means pollutants or adulterants presence within the limit of standard such as pathogenic micro-organisms, natural toxins and potentially harmful chemicals that may cause health hazards beyond certain limit, either deliberately added or naturally present in them. Again, the economic development of the country doesn’t reveal basic literacy and awareness of general people. Necessary steps should be taken by the authority and mass people should change their mind set up and have to avoid those who creates harm.

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