
In Taiwanese forests a dependence of mycorrhizal types on the altitude is recognizable: in the lower tropical regions VA-mycorrhizae dominate, whereas in the mixed subtropical forests most of the species show VA-mycorrhizae, but there are also several species with ectomycorrhizae. In the higher mountains ectomycorrhizae predominate. In addition to this relationship between mycorrhizal status and altitude, some tree species belong to typical ectomycorrhizal or VA-mycorrhizal families. Ten ectomycorrhizal types from Taiwanese trees were characterized by macroscopic, microscopic and ultrastructural features. The basic structures of hyphal mantles are the same in Taiwan as in the Black Forest (southwest Germany). Two of the types described and two further types are identical with types from the Black Forest on Picea abies (L.) Karst. Only two fungal partners could be identified (Lactarius, Amphinema), all others are unknown. Some noteworthy observations are: an epidermis-like covering of a hyphal mantle, an ectendomycorrhiza on Pinus taiwanensis Hayata with Amphinema byssoides and wall ingrowths in the outer cortical layer of Castanopsis-mycorrhizae.

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