
In this paper the author discusses some characteristics of a psychoanalytic text on the basis of two pages of Freud’s essay, Delusions and dreams in Jensen’s ‘Gradiva’ (Freud, 1906), on the concept of the return of the repressed. Analysis of the text shows that the four references (Horace, Rops, Rousseau, and a clinical vignette) occurring in it present unexpected connections both with each other and with the phenomenon they illustrate. There thus emerges a hidden scenario that reveals a concealed level of the text, relating to the maternal imago. Particular attention is devoted to the importance of the figurative apparatus and images (examples in the form of narrations and visual images, metaphors, and similes) that accompany the metapsychological and conceptual construction of Freud’s text. Representation in visual form is necessary for the description and construction of the psyche and for conferring life on its conceptual formulations. However, metapsychological definition also reveals a phantasy dimension underlying the text. In addition, the author shows how certain textual constraints limit the intrinsic intuitive and arbitrary nature of interpretation. Finally, the complexity of the psychoanalytic text (with its various planes and levels) is emphasized, as well as the network of possible connections fundamental to the work of interpretation. A diagram illustrates the spatio‐temporal aspects of the interpretive process, as defined by the interaction between conceptual factors and specific flights of the imagination which also have to do with unconscious affects, whether in the text, the author, or the reader.

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