
The morphology of the stomodeal nervous system of the adult dragon flies Bradinopyga geminata and Orthetrum chrysis is described. No gastric ganglion or ganglion ingluviale has been found. Instead the oesophageal nerve forks near the junction of the proventriculus and the midgut. The two nerves run on either side of the midline as ingluvial nerves and enter the proventricular ganglionic masses. These ganglionic masses are connected by a transverse nerve, which has been called as the nervus transversus proventriculare. Both bipolar and multipolar types of sensory cells have been found over the surface of the crop. These cell bodies appear to be interconnected by connective tissue. Dendrites of these cells terminate on the longitudinal muscle fibres, surrounding the proventriculus and the midgut. The proximal processes of these cells enter the proventricular ganglionic mass. In methylene blue whole mounts they resemble the stretch receptors, hence it is quite probable that they play some role in the peristaltic movement of the gut. The corpora cardiaca lie dorsal to the pharynx and are connected to the brain by two pairs of nerves, the nervi corporis cardiaci (NCC I, NCC II). Unlike in other insects, the nerve connecting the corpora cardiaca with the corpora allata is slender and arises as a branch of the nerve, nervus corporis allati II. The corpora alata are spherical to ovoid in shape and lie ventral to the nerve cord. Anteriorly they are attached to the inner wall of the hypopharynx and posteriorly to the subesophageal ganglion by a pair of nerves, the nervi corporis allati II.

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