
Part 1 Allyn Abbot Young (1876-1929): intellectual formation - Richard T.Ely and English political economy, John Dewey and the logic of scientific inquiry, economic theory and statistics early monetary ideas - J. Laurence Laughlin versus the quantity theory, Irving Fisher and the quantity theory war and reconstruction - war finance and monetary disorder, the monetary standard, why gold? monetary management in the 20s -index numbers and price stabilization production and speculation Ralph Hawtrey and the control of the business cycles the limits of monetary policy. Part 2 Alvin Harvey Hansen (1887-1975): intellectual formation - money and technology, continental business cycle theory, money, income and Albert Aftalion depression - money and depresion, the depression as a business cycle, Hansen's monetary thought, social control versus laissez-faire stagnation - the new frontier, big government, money and sound finance, Hansen and Keynes the golden age - the making of American Keynesianism, Keynesianism versus institutionalism the new economics and money the origin of monetary Walrasianism. Part 3 Edward Stone Shaw (1908-1994): intellectual formation: John B. Canning and Ralph Hawtrey, Robertson and Keynes, money in a theory of banking from money to finance - money in a theory of finance, finance and US economic development a theory for policymakers, a theory for academics financial structure and economic development - financial deepening, a theory for policymakers, a theory for academics.

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