
The modernization of the Moscow psychiatric service consisted in reduction of hospital service and development of out-patient service. The first stage of modernization (2010-2016) the psycho-neurological dispensaries were joined to psychiatric hospitals and bed stock was reduced or restructured for different function. The second stage of modernization (2017) consisted in such modernization of hospital network as further reducing of bed stock and unification of psychiatric hospitals. The third stage (2017-2020) presupposes development of out-patient care. The purpose of study was establishing provision of personnel resources of Moscow psychiatric institutions and analysis of dynamics of personnel resources during modernization period. The study is a continuous retrospective analysis of personnel of Moscow psychiatric service in 2008-2017. In this period number of occupied job positions of district psychiatrists decreased from 0.28 to 0.25 per 10 000 of population. In the Russian Federation provision with district psychiatrists made up to 0.23 per 10 000 of population in 2017. In 2027, the provision with psychiatrists of population made up to 1.15 in Moscow and 0.83 in the Russian Federation per 10 000 of population. In 2015-2017, in Moscow, quantity and staffing of out-patient job positions in Moscow psychiatric institutions increased. In 2017, the staffing of job positions in out-patient institutions made up to 63.5%-77%. In 2008-2017, in Moscow, total number of visits per district psychiatrist increased up to 36.5% for adults and up to 140.5% for adolescents and up to 5.3% for children. The percentage of psychiatrists with qualification category decreased from 2007 to 2017 and in 2017 made up to 40.4% in Moscow and up to 50.9% in the Russian Federation.

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