
Rod-shaped bacteria such as E. coli have mechanisms to position their cell division plane at the precise center of the cell, to ensure that the daughter cells are equal in size. The two main mechanisms are the Min system and nucleoid occlusion (NO), both of which work by inhibiting assembly of FtsZ, the tubulin-like scaffold that forms the cytokinetic Z ring. Whereas NO prevents Z rings from constricting over unsegregated nucleoids, the Min system is nucleoid-independent and even functions in cells lacking nucleoids and thus NO. The Min proteins of E. coli and B. subtilis form bipolar gradients that inhibit Z ring formation most at the cell poles and least at the nascent division plane. This article will outline the molecular mechanisms behind Min function in E. coli and B. subtilis, and discuss distinct Z ring positioning systems in other bacterial species.


  • In bacteria, several proteins assemble at the cell center to form the divisome, or cell division machine (Martos et al, 2012)

  • The wide varieties of Z ring positioning systems identified in recent years highlight the complexity and diversity of bacteria (Monahan et al, 2014)

  • The two systems that are best understood are the negative regulators of Z ring placement, nucleoid occlusion (NO) and Min

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Several proteins assemble at the cell center (midcell) to form the divisome, or cell division machine (Martos et al, 2012). At the start of divisome formation, FtsZ, a homolog of eukaryotic tubulin, polymerizes and forms a ring-like structure, the Z ring, at midcell (Bi and Lutkenhaus, 1991). The Z ring functions as a scaffold for cell division proteins and is an obvious target for regulating the site of cytokinesis. Decades of research in E. coli and B. subtilis have led to insights into the molecular mechanisms of NO and the Min system, which negatively regulate Z ring formation by preventing Z rings from forming over nucleoids or at cell poles, respectively. It is likely that other regulators contribute to Z ring positioning in these bacteria (Rodrigues and Harry, 2012). Unique negative and positive regulators of Z ring formation have been identified in bacteria that lack NO and/or Min systems, highlighting the diversity of division site selection mechanisms

Minicells and the Min System
Other Factors Influencing Min Oscillation
Negative Spatial Regulation of Z ring Formation in Caulobacter
Positive Spatial Regulators of Z ring Formation
Conclusion and Perspectives
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