
In cells, microtubule dynamics are regulated by plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs). End-binding protein 1 (EB1, also known as MAPRE1) acts as a master regulator of +TIP networks by targeting the growing ends of microtubules and recruiting other factors. However, the molecular mechanism underlying high-affinity binding of EB1 to microtubule ends remains an open area of research. Using single-molecule imaging, we show that the end-binding kinetics of EB1 change when the polymerization and hydrolysis rates of tubulin dimers are altered, confirming that EB1 binds to GTP-tubulin and/or GDP-Pi-tubulin at microtubule growing ends. The affinity of wild-type EB1 to these sites is higher than that of monomeric EB1 mutants, suggesting that both calponin homology domains present in the EB1 dimer contribute to end binding. Introduction of phosphomimetic mutations into the EB1 linker domain weakens the end-binding affinity and confers a more curved conformation on the EB1 dimer without compromising dimerization, suggesting that the overall architecture of EB1 is important for its end-binding affinity. Taken together, our results provide insights into how the high-affinity end-binding of EB1 is achieved and how this activity may be regulated in cells.

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