
In recent days, the wireless communication technology has become an integral part of several types of communication devices as it allows users to communicate even from remote areas. Wi-Fi is one of the main types of wireless communication used by many electronic devices such as laptops, smart phones and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Using Wi-Fi infrastructure to provide quality multimedia services and deploying IoT services requires new approaches to network resource management. The method of adaptive size formation of a Wi-Fi network cell in the corporate infrastructure is proposed. The idea of the method is to adapt the size of a Wi-Fi cell coverage depending on the QoS requirements and load localization under conditions of insufficient bandwidth resources for network users and IoT devices. This method is implemented by writing a script file on the Cisco 5508 Wi-Fi controller that makes informed decisions on changing the cell coverage size in a centralized manner. Using this method allowed to provide high-speed wireless Internet access for users, provide a good QoS for IoT services and increase Wi-Fi network availability in high network-load conditions by effectively managing network resources depending on the actual operation scenario and requirements of individual users and IoT devices.

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