
The affinities of 9 IgG1 monoclonal anti-dinitrophenol (DNP) antibodies for 3H-ϵ-DNP- L-lysine, 125I-HOP-DNP- L-lysine and 125I-DNP-human serum albumin (HSA) were determined. 3H-DNP-lysine was used in equilibrium dialysis and ammonium sulphate globulin precipitation assays; 125I-HOP-DNP-lysine was used in equilibrium dialysis and polyethylene glycol precipitation; and 125I-DNP 5-HSA in the polyethylene glycol precipitation assay for affinity. The ranking order of the monoclonal antibodies in terms of affinity by the assays was significantly correlated. Of particular importance was the observation that the simple and widely applicable globulin precipitation assay utilizing a protein antigen produced affinity values which showed concordance with the least equivocal but cumbersome assay, equilibrium dialysis. Mixing of antibodies of high and low affinity demonstrated that even a low proportion of high affinity antibody had marked effect on measurements of the amount and affinity of a predominantly low affinity antibody preparation.

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