
Mating of the European Oxyopes heterophthalmus (Latr.) was reported by Gerhardt (1933), who observed that this species mates in the air, with both male and female suspended on threads and facing in the same direction. Our observations on the American Peucetita viridans show that its mating habits are quite similar to those of this European Oxyopes. Most of our observations were made in the laboratory on spiders that had matured in captivity. A freshly-cut cotton plant with its base in a small jar of water was placed on a table near the edge. Mature male and female green lynx spiders were released on the plant. They made no attempt to escape. With the view unobstructed by a cage, they were easily observed from all angles. While not under observation, males and females were kept in individual pint ice cream containers covered with plastic petri dishes. The complete mating procedure was recorded on 16 mm. motion-picture film exposed at a rate of 64 feet per minute. The mating of 40 pairs in the laboratory and of two pairs in the field was observed. Mating behavior in the field was similar to that observed in the laboratory. In a typical mating sequence, the male and female, when placed on the cotton plant, ran lightly across the tops of the leaves, pausing frequently. The male's recognition of the presence of a female was almost immediate, apparently by sight, and often at a distance of 12 to 14 cm. He demonstrated his awareness by vibrating his abdomen for periods of 8 to 10 seconds at two or three vibrations per second. While still vibrating his abdomen, he alternately moved his first and second pairs of legs up and down and concurrently drummed his palpi. Meanwhile, he gradually approached the female until he touched her forelegs with his first and second pairs of legs. In both cases, his tarsi touched the upper part of the female's legs, sometimes the femora, sometimes the patellae, and sometimes the tibiae. If the female was not receptive, she rushed at the male, and he hastily

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