
The aim of this study was to characterise breeding sites and climatic factors that influence the abundance of malaria vectors in the Lower Shire valley, Malawi. We regularly sampled adult and larval mosquitoes over the transition periods between the wet and dry seasons during 2000 and 2001. Three potential malaria vectors, An. arabiensis, An. gambine sensu stricto and An. funestus, and a fourth non-vector species An. quadriannulatus, were identified. (This is the first record of An. quadriannulatus in Malawi). These four species bred predominately in larger water bodies, particularly rice paddies, and to a lesser extent in boreholes and puddles. Smaller temporary pools and puddles evaporated too quickly to permit the completion of larval development. Abundance of An. gambiae s.l. was closely associated with minimum temperatures. We discuss the relevance of the findings to malaria vector control in Malawi.

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