
Non-standard nucleotides are ubiquitous in RNA. Thermodynamic studies with RNA duplexes containing non-standard nucleotides, whether incorporated naturally or chemically, can provide insight into the stability of Watson–Crick pairs and the role of specific functional groups in stabilizing a Watson–Crick pair. For example, an A-U, inosine•U and pseudouridine•A pair each form two hydrogen bonds. However, an RNA duplex containing a central I•U pair or central Ψ•A pair is 2.4 kcal/mol less stable or 1.7 kcal/mol more stable, respectively, than the corresponding duplex containing an A-U pair. In the non-standard nucleotide purine, hydrogen replaces the exocyclic amino group of A. This replacement results in a P•U pair containing only one hydrogen bond. Optical melting studies were performed with RNA duplexes containing P•U pairs adjacent to different nearest neighbors. The resulting thermodynamic parameters were compared to RNA duplexes containing A-U pairs in order to determine the contribution of the hydrogen bond involving the exocyclic amino group. Results indicate a loss of 1.78 kcal/mol, on average, when an internal P•U replaces A-U in an RNA duplex. This value is compared to the thermodynamics of a hydrogen bond determined by similar methods. Nearest neighbor parameters were derived for use in free energy and secondary structure prediction software.

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