
In his Budget speech the Chancellor argued that “there are good reasons to expect that the recovery will begin around the middle of this year, although initially it may be slow. As we found ten years ago, confidence revives as inflation comes down… Just as falling consumer spending contributed to the onset of recession, so returning consumer confidence is likely to lead the recovery.” Since then Mr. Lamont has detected ‘faint stirrings' of a recovery in activity, while the Prime Minister is confident of a return to growth, arguing this month that “there are far too many indications for anyone to doubt that in the second half of this year there will be a great improvement and we will be coining out of recession.” For all the official confidence that their relatively modest prognosis, which we shared in our June forecast, is proving correct, there are many who remain doubtful. The survey data, while improving, do not yet convincingly point to an upturn and there is a fear that while lower inflation and easier monetary policy would on their own produce higher spending, this effect could be outweighed by consumer caution in the face of rising unemployment. This Forecast Release examines these issues. It focuses particularly on the link between lower interest rates, falling inflation, rising unemployment and the savings ratio and finds that, on the basis of the experience in the recessions of 1975 and 1980 and the boom of 1988, it would be surprising if the savings ratio were not to head lower in the second half of the year. The latest figures on retail sales, which rose more than 1 per cent in June, suggest that this may already be happening, though this will only be confirmed by data showing a greater willingness on the part of consumers to step up their borrowing once again.

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