
The article examines aspects of the phenomenon of publicistic discourse. The authorshighlight the communicative and cognitive components in the speech-thinking process consideringthe world experience of scientists, as well as experience based on a practical analysis of the Kazakhmass media. It is noted that discursive activity ensures realization of a whole range of cognitiveaxiological possibilities and abilities of the addressee. The article considers dynamic processes thatoccur in language and style of modern journalism.The conceptual basis of the study is the understanding of discourse as a phenomenon that is formedunder the influence of linguistic, cognitive, ideological, socio-cultural factors in various areas ofhuman life: politics, sociology, psychology, linguistics, journalism, etc. The choice of the theme isdue to the importance of the problem in a dynamically developing world.The authors substantiatethe relevance of the problem, using examples proving that information and knowledge continue tobe the main value in modern society, where not only a high degree of cognitive and communicativesaturation of the material is important, but also the problem of its understanding by the addressee.The work shows the mechanism of interaction between the cognitive and axiological componentsand methods of communication in the speech-thinking process on the example of Kazakhstanipublicistic discourse. Cognitive-influencing information becomes significant and promising,especially in the context of multilingualism, multiculturalism, polymentality of the population ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan.The article analyzes the ideologemes of the Kazakhstani «quality press», reveals the linguisticmeans used to accentuate the dominants.The presented material allowed the authors to showthe features of the process of functioning of the media language as a means of reflecting thoughtprocesses and to determine communicative perspectives

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