
This study aimed to identify the level of psychological health resulting from home quarantine due to Covid-19 crisis and its relationship to some variables among a sample of Jordanians according to the variables of sex, age and marital status. The size of the study sample was (1095) respondents from both sexes, divided into 705 females (64.4%) and 390 males (35.5%). The link to the instrument used was published on the Institute for Family Health’s Facebook page. The instrument of psychological health aspects the researchers developed, was used for the purpose of the study. The results indicated that the effect of home quarantine in light of the Covid-19 crisis on some aspects of psychological health was of a moderate degree, and that there were no statistically significant differences attributed to the gender variable, and that there were statistically significant differences attributed to the age variable in the (19-29) years group, in addition to the existence of statistically significant differences in the effect of home quarantine on some aspects of psychological health due to the marital status variable, specifically the unmarried group.

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