
Three stratigraphical sections from eastern Vourinos (Rhodiani area) to eastern Vermion massifs revealed the same age of the latérite events affecting the serpentinized ophiolite complex after its emplacement on the Pelagonian domain. All of them consist from their base upwards of serpentinized harzburgite slivers with lateritic unconformities on the top, followed by transgressive upper Lower Cretaceous neritic limestones. At Kteni locality (Rhodiani area), a laterite horizon, lying on top of serpentinites, is covered by transgressive neritic limestones with Salpingoporella urladanasi, assigning a Barremian - Albian age, followed by Orbitolinidae limestones. At Tsimodia locality (NNW to the previous), the latente horizon, lying on karstified Upper Jurassic reef limestones (which are the top member of a carbonate platform body tectonically lying on the ophiolites), is trans gres s ively overlain by iron-rich pisolith levels and Aptian limestones of the wackes tone-muds tone type, also containing Salpingoporella urladanasi, followed by Cenomanian Orbitolina limestones. Finally, the third examined locality, further north-eastward to the previous, is situated at the eastern slopes of Vermion massif and more precisely at the NWpart of Koumaria village. There, it can again be observed that the lateritized serpentinite slivers are overlain transgress ively by neritic limestones with Salpingoporella urladanasi, passing upwards into Upper Cretaceous recrystallized limestones with Orbitolinidae and rudist fragments and, finally, toflysch deposition. These features allow to recognize that the emersion and the consecutive lateritization of the thrust-emplaced ophiolites in Vourinos and Vermion massifs in the northern Pelagonian domain, starting from the Latest Jurassic, was followed by a marine transgression beginning from the Barremian - Albian, firstly under restricted and brackish carbonate platform conditions, marked by the presence of the dasycladalean alga Salpingoporella urladanasi, followed by normal salinity carbonate platform conditions. The neritic sedimentation was stable until the Early Cenomanian. Subsequently, a deepening, earlier at Vourinos and later at Vermion, resulted in deposition of pelagic and turbiditic carbonates and then offlysch.

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