
The Korean discourse particle kulssey has been examined primarily as a response to a question in turn initial position, indicating the speaker's uncertainty or hesitation (e.g., ‘well’). A detailed examination of 183 instances of kulssey in ordinary conversation shows that its usage and function are much more complex. Kulssey occurs in multiple positions (in the beginning, middle, or final position of a turn-constructional unit) and carries out various functions (indexing a prior turn or proposition, serving as a filler or prospective indexical, or retroactively adding the speaker's stance to a matter just reported) across discrete or sometimes even opposite contexts (i.e., claiming or disclaiming epistemic rights, displaying agreements or disagreements). By examining its interactional usage and developmental path, the study shows how kulssey's origin as a deictic expression (kuleha-ta ‘to be like that’) is linked to its current ability to anaphorically and cataphorically index matters discussed in prior turns or about to be discussed in unfolding turns, and how this indexical function explains its mobility and versatility in talk-in-interaction. The findings are supported by diachronic and synchronic empirical examinations.

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