
Early and late morbidity was studied in 45 consecutive patients submitted to the Kock continent ileostomy reservoir procedure protected by a temporary loop ileostomy. In 24 patients the nipple valve was made by simple intussusception of the ileal segment after stripping of its mesenteric peritoneum and fat, whereas in 21 patients the nipple valve was stapled in addition. The early complication rate was low with necrosis of the nipple valve occurring in 3 patients and a nipple valve fistula in 1. These complications were easily dealt with and revision was done subsequently on an elective basis. The overall revision rate for late nipple valve dysfunction, mainly caused by sliding of the nipple valve was 29%. The majority of these complications occurred within the first postoperative year. Stapling of the nipple valve did not significantly reduce the rate of sliding. The overall complication rate was significantly less compared with a historical series of 21 patients not provided with a loop ileostomy. A temporary defunctioning ileostomy may reduce early complications and their consequences. Whether it may also lessen the risk of later nipple valve sliding is, however, not clear from this study. The observation that sliding was as common in both unstapled and stapled patients could imply either that the loop ileostomy is beneficial in preventing this complication or that the stapling procedure is in this respect unimportant. Which step or steps among all the measures employed are important in increasing the success rate of this operation remains unclear. Randomised controlled studies are needed for a true evaluation of this issue.

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