
Hemoglobin I was isolated from nodules formed on the roots of Parasponia andersonii inoculated with Rhizobium strain CP 283. The rate of oxygen dissociation from Parasponia hemoglobin increases about 12-fold between pH 4 and 7, with apparent pK 6.4, to reach a limiting value of 14.8s-1. The optical spectrum of oxyhemoglobin in the visible region is also dependent on pH with pK near 6.4. The rate constant for oxygen combination with Parasponia hemoglobin increases about 7-8-fold between pH 4 and 7, with apparent pK 5.37, to reach a value of 1.67 X 10(8) M-1 s-1 at pH 7. The optical spectrum of deoxyhemoglobin in the visible region and the rate constant for carbon monoxide combination are also dependent on pH with apparent pK 5.65 and 5.75, respectively. The rate constant for carbon monoxide dissociation is independent of pH. The oxygen affinity of Parasponia hemoglobin, P50 = 0.049 torr at 20 degrees C, calculated from the kinetic constants at pH 7, is very great. At alkaline pH there is a prominent geminate reaction with oxygen and nitric oxide, with both subnanosecond and tens of nanosecond components. These reactions disappear at acid pH, with pK 6.4, and the effective quantum yield is reduced. In general, the reactions of Parasponia hemoglobin with oxygen and carbon monoxide resemble those of soybean leghemoglobin. In each, great oxygen affinity is achieved by unusually rapid oxygen combination together with a moderate rate of oxygen dissociation. We suggest that protonation of a heme-linked group with pK near 6.4 controls many properties of Parasponia oxyhemoglobin, and protonation of a group with pK near 5.5 controls many properties of Parasponia deoxyhemoglobin.

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