
This essay examines the connection between American military operations on the Western Front and the impact of those operations on just one of the international power relationships that influenced the decisions in Paris, the relationship between American leaders and those of Great Britain. First, the American military effort was not very impressive, and it most certainly was not improving America's claim to dictate the terms of peace. Second, while American forces proved their incompetence, the BEF was carrying out the decisive campaign of the war. Wilson's stature at the peace talks was directly related to the extent to which British leaders felt a sense of indebtedness to America for the burden it carried in winning the war. The attitude of the British peace delegation towards Wilson was, in part, a result of its estimation of the size, scope, and effectiveness of AEF operations, especially those in the British Army's sector. Keywords:AEF operations; American Military operations; British leaders; war; Wilson's stature

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