
This paper presents results of U–Pb dating (SHRIMP-II) and Lu–Hf (LA–ICP MS) isotope study of zircon from Paleoarchean plagiogneisses and plagiogranitoids of the Onot and Bulun blocks of the Sharyzhalgai uplift. Magmatic zircons from the Onot plagiogneiss and Bulun gneissic trondhjemite are dated at 3388±11 and 3311±16 Ma, respectively. Magmatic zircons from plagiogneisses and plagiogranitoids of the studied tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) complexes are characterized mainly by positive values of εHf indicating that felsic melts were generated mainly from juvenile (mafic) sources, which are derived from a depleted mantle reservoir. The variable Hf isotope composition in magmatic zircons and the lower average εHf values in comparison with the depleted mantle values suggest the contributions of both mafic and more ancient crustal sources to magma formation. Metamorphic zircons from the gneissic plagiogranite and migmatized plagiogneiss either inherited the Hf isotope composition from magmatic zircon or are enriched in radiogenic Hf. The more radiogenic Hf isotope composition of metamorphic zircons from the migmatized plagiogneisses is due to their interaction with melt during partial melting. Variations in the Lu–Hf isotope composition of zircon from the Bulun rocks in the period 3.33–3.20 Ga are due to the successive melting of mafic crust or the growing contribution of crustal material to their genesis. Correlation between the Lu–Hf isotope characteristics of zircon and the Sm–Nd parameters of the Onot plagiogneisses points to the contribution of ancient crustal material to their formation. The bimodal distribution of the model Hf ages of zircons reflects two stages of crustal growth in the Paleoarchean: 3.45–3.60 and ~3.35 Ga. The isotope characteristics of zircon and rocks of the TTG complexes, pointing to recycling of crustal material, argue for the formation of plagiogneisses and plagiogranitoids as a result of melting of heterogeneous (mafic and more ancient crustal) sources in the thickened crust.

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