
We describe the calibration, measurements and data reduction, ofthe dark current of the ISOCAM/LW detector. We point-out theexistence of two significant drifts of the LW dark-current, onethroughout the ISO mission, on a timescale of days, another within each single revolution, on a timescale of hours. We alsoshow the existence of a dependence of the dark current on thetemperature of the ISOCAM detector.By characterizing all these effects through polynomial fittings,we build a model for the LW calibration dark, that depends onthe epoch of observation (parametrized with the revolutionnumber and the time elapsed in that given revolution since theactivation) and on the temperature of the ISOCAM detector. Themodel parameters are tuned for each of ISOCAM/LW pixel.We show that the modelling is very effective in taking intoaccount the dark-current variations and allows a much cleanerdark subtraction than using a brute average of severalcalibration dark images.The residuals of the LW model-dark subtraction are, on average,similar to the pre-launch expectation.

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