
1. 1. Intracellular recordings were made from Retzius cells from segmental ganglia of the leech, Hirudo medicinalis. The ionic mechanisms of the following compounds were examined: l-glutamate, ibotenate, quisqualate, AMPA, kainate, methyltetrahydrofolate and carbachol. All these compounds depolarise and excite Retzius cells. 2. 2. In sodium-free Ringer, the responses to l-glutamate, kainate, ibotenate and AMPA were greatly reduced, the response to quisqualate was reduced, the response to methyltetrahydrofolate was normal while the response to carbachol was abolished. 3. 3. In sodium-free high calcium Ringer the responses to l-glutamate, ibotenate and carbachol were absent, the responses to quisqualate and AMPA greatly reduced, the responses to methyltetrahydrofolate and kainate were normal. The methyltetrahydrofolate and kainate responses in sodium-free high calcium Ringer were greatly reduced on addition of cobalt. 4. 4. All the responses are associated with an increase in conductance, the increase being the largest in the case of kainate. 5. 5. It is concluded that the response to l-glutamate, ibotenate and carbachol are dependent on sodium, the responses to quisqualate and AMPA are mainly sodium dependent, possibly with a small calcium component. The kainate response in normal Ringer is largely sodium dependent but in sodium-free Ringer calcium can completely substitute for sodium. The methyltetrahydrofolate response appears to be sodium independent but at least partly calcium dependent. 6. 6. These studies provide further evidence that l-glutamate and ibotenate act on a common receptor on leech Retzius cells while kainate acts on a separate receptor which can activate a calcium ionophore. It is probable that methyltetrahydrofolate acts on a different ionophore system to kainate. N- Methyl- d - aspartate has no agonist activity on any of these receptors.

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