
The interplay between dolomitizing fluids, tectonically-controlled saddle dolomite and calcite cements in Lower-Cambrian to Furongian strata in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin were interpreted from petrography, geochemistry and fluid inclusions microthermometry. Stochiometric replacement dolomites (RD1, RD2 and RD3) and saddle dolomite (DC) cement were identified. Equant-drusy calcite (ECAL) and blocky-to columnar calcite (LCAL) cements were identified. Weak relationships exist between δ13C, δ18O, 87Sr/86Sr, Mg/Ca versus Mn/Sr ratios, which are tools used to evaluate the impact of diagenetic environment on C–O–Sr isotope composition of the carbonates. The replacement dolomites and DC with high Mg/Ca ratios (0.97–1.21) have low depleted δ18O, δ13C values, compared to the ECAL and LCAL with more depleted δ18O, δ13C values, indicating that the C–O–Sr isotope composition suffered diagenetic alteration by higher-temperature and equilibrium isotopic fractionation. The carbonates fluid system is characterized by negative shift in C–O-isotopic composition with hypersaline signatures compared to Early Paleozoic evaporative seawater. Moreover, the increasing trend in (Cl, Br, I)/(CaO + MgO) ratios with Mg/Ca ratios, couple with positive relationship between Cl and Br, suggests fluids contamination by halogen-rich inclusions. The RD1, RD2 and RD3 were precipitated by relatively higher-temperature saline fluids at depth during shallow-deep burial dolomitization. The DC have average Th-values (141.5–199.2 °C) mostly higher than the estimated ambient temperatures (165 °C) of the studied strata, meaning their growth in fractures resulted from higher-temperature Mg-enriched saline basinal fluids conveyed by hydrothermal convection and short-lived geothermal squeegee-type flow. The LCAL were precipitated by Ca/Mg-enriched basinal brine fluids diluted by influx of meteoric water, cementing fractures in host rocks, as dolomite was replaced by calcite (i.e., calcitization). The conceptual model reveals that dolomitizing fluids and calcitization fluids were conveyed through permeable horizons resulting from strong extensional tectonics and weak compressional tectonics, forming irregular networks of saddle dolomite and calcite cement in host rocks.

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