
This paper explores whether the introduction of unconventional monetary policy measures re-shapes the interactions between Hong Kong’s housing market and global stock market and economic factors. It is found that, the interactions between Hong Kong’s housing prices and global stock markets attenuated during the conventional monetary policy period (CMPP), especially after the Asian Financial Crisis. The level of interactions with global factors reached the lowest during the transitional period between CMPP and the unconventional monetary policy period (UMPP). By contrast, the co-movements with global stock market factors had played a bigger role in explaining Hong Kong’s housing price variations during UMPP, especially at the time when the US, UK, EU, and Japan deployed QEs and/or negative interest rate policy. Nevertheless, such high level of integrations did not sustain as QE3 ended in the US. The findings yield important implications in view of recent central bank actions responding to the dim economic prospects due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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