
The overall aim of this paper is to provide an epistemological rational for the measurement of intentionality. The purposeof this narrative is to identify “Intentionality” as an arena of action in the dispositional learning domain can be measuredusing an “Intentionality Measurement Instrument” [also referred by the acronym “IMI”] based upon a dual scalar modelsimilar to the measurement of the correlation coefficient. The methodology of the “IMI” is to statistically test intentionalityvia specific psychometric instruments. The IMI as an educational science statistical metric has universal applicability andis ideally suited for measurement of purposive content (the subject matter area), purposive capability (the psychomotordomain), and purposive knowledge (the cognitive domain) based directly upon disposition (the affective domain-whichdetermines the will, purpose, and reason behind the identified event). This methodology is a novel approach to muchneeded dispositional statistical data analysis. It adds considerable value to the methods designed to assess rationaleand reason through specific instrument validity and reliability. A sequential computational methodology for IMI statisticalanalysis through a model is provided to clarity the metrics that are procedurally used in a step by step fashion thatillustrates the entire process of intentionality inquiry.

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