
The field of business management involves a large amount of data and information sources, including market data, customer data, supply chain data, etc. In order to quantify and analyze different resources, help enterprises better plan and allocate resources, and improve resource utilization efficiency, a clustering analysis based digital resource integration algorithm for business management is studied. Build a business management digital resource integration framework, including data layer, integration layer, and storage layer, to integrate and store data from different sources of business management databases, thereby facilitating unified management and utilization of digital resources by enterprises. The data layer collects data from different business management databases and stores it in the database according to different sources; The integration layer preprocesses the collected data, simply fixes errors and missing information in the data, and improves data quality. Adopting a feature extraction method based on the projection direction uncorrelation strategy of the labeled power set conversion method, the useful feature information of digital resources in enterprise management can be effectively extracted; Based on the two-step clustering analysis method, business management digital resources are clustered according to similar characteristics to complete the classification and integration of business management digital resources, and improve the efficiency of resource utilization; The storage layer adopts the Security Information Diffusion Algorithm (IDA) storage model to store integrated and classified digital resources managed by enterprises, ensuring data security and effectively preventing data leakage and illegal access. The experimental results show that the digital resource structure of business management integrated by this algorithm is clear, with a data redundancy of less than 8% and a difference of less than 11%. The time consumption for data integration is less than 2.11 minutes, indicating good resource integration ability.

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