
The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence and degree of infection anisakiasis in fish catches at Fishery Seaport Muncar, Banyuwangi as an effort to prevent food borne diseases in humans. Fish samples from Muncar Beach Fishery Seaport, Banyuwangi consisted of tuna fish (Euthynnus sp.), bloated fish (Rastrelliger sp.), giant trevally fish (Caranx sp.) and snapper (Lutjanus sp.) with total amount 192 tail. Sample fish was dissected and examined the parasite by native method. Parasitic worms was fixed with 5% glycerine alcohol, stained with SemichenAcetic Carmine method, identified by key identification and calculated incidence and degree of infection. The highest incidence and degree of infection showed in Lutjanus sp. and Rastrelliger sp. 66.67% and 5.39, respectively, while the lowest showed in Caranx sp. from 6.67% and 0.09 respectively. Continue research to determine incidence and degree of infection anisakiasis in each season was required to mapping and to know the spread of worms Anisakis sp.


  • Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Muncar, Banyuwangi terletak di ujung timur pantai timur Provinsi Jawa Timur dan bersebelahan dengan Selat Bali yang sangat kaya potensi hasil lautnya

  • Fish samples from Muncar Beach Fishery Seaport, Banyuwangi consisted of tuna fish (Euthynnus sp.), bloated fish (Rastrelliger sp.), giant trevally fish (Caranx sp.) and snapper (Lutjanus sp.) with total amount 192 tail

  • Parasitic worms was fixed with 5% glycerine alcohol, stained with SemichenAcetic Carmine method, identified by key identification and calculated incidence and degree of infection

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Sampel ikan hasil tangkapan diperoleh dari Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Muncar, Banyuwangi. Sebelumnya dilakukan survei lokasi penelitian untuk mengetahui jenis dan jumlah hasil tangkapan ikan di di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Muncar, Banyuwangi sehingga dapat dilakukan pemilihan jenis dan jumlah ikan sampel. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara acak dari populasi ikan hasil tangkapan yang diperoleh nelayan dalam keadaan mati segar sejumlah 5-10% dari rataan hasil tangkapan ikan per harinya. Sampel ikan yang telah diperoleh selanjutnya dilakukan pemeriksaan endoparasit dengan membedah perut ikan dan melakukan pengamatan parasit secara makroskopis pada organ dalam ikan. Jika terbukti positif terinfeksi endoparasit, ikan dipisahkan dan parasit dikoleksi dengan perendaman pada alkohol gliserin 5% sebelum dilakukan proses pewarnaan. Proses pewarnaan dilakukan dengan metode Semichen-Acetic Carmine (Kuhlman, 2006) dan proses identifikasi parasit mengacu pada Arai dan Smith (2016). Data disajikan dalam bentuk gambar dan tabel serta dianalisis secara deskriptif

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