
In young healthy adults, postexercise hypotension (PEH) occurs after a single bout of dynamic exercise due to peripheral vasodilation. Gravitational stress may further aggravate the magnitude of PEH, thus predisposing to orthostatic intolerance. As water drinking activates sympathetic vasoconstriction, it might offset PEH via enhanced α-adrenergic vascular responsiveness. We hypothesized that water ingestion before exercise would decrease the magnitude of PEH and improve the haemodynamic reaction to active standing postmaximal exercise. In a randomized fashion, 17 healthy adults (nine men; eight women, 21·2±1·6years) ingested 50 and 500ml of water before completing resting, cycle ergometer and recovery protocols on two separate days. After exercise, measurements [arterial blood pressure (BP), heart rate and spectral heart rate variability (HRV)] were taken in the seated position followed by 5min of active standing. Compared to that seen post-50ml of water, the 500ml volume elicited an overall increase in BP (P<0·05). Nevertheless, the magnitude of PEH was not different after either volume of water. There was an overall bradycardic effect of water, and this was accompanied by increased high-frequency power (P<0·05). Finally, no BP, heart rate or HRV differences were found between conditions in response to active standing. These data suggest that, despite being well preserved after maximal exercise, the water pressor response does not affect the magnitude of PEH. They also indicate that drinking 500ml of water does not impact the BP, heart rate or HRV response to 5min of active standing during recovery postmaximal exercise.

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