
This research aimed to determine whether there is an influence of the think pair share model assisted by a word wall on the human digestive system material on the interest and learning outcomes of class V students at SDN 01 Pengkol Sukoharjo. This type of research is experimental research and a quantitative approach using a one group pre-test-post-test research design, that is an experiment whose implementation only involves one class as the experimental class. The independent variable in this research is the think pair share model assisted by word walls, while the dependent variable is students' interests and learning outcomes. The population in this study were all students at SDN 01 Pengkol Sukoharjo with a total of 173 students, while the sample was class V with a total of 37 students. The data collection techniques used are documentation, questionnaires and tests in the form of multiple choices whose validity has been tested. Data analysis used descriptive analysis techniques and inferential analysis techniques. The results of descriptive statistics show that the average student pre-test score is 53.81 and has increased after being given treatment with the average student post-test score being 80.56. The results of statistical analysis by testing the hypothesis using a linear regression test by finding a positive and significant influence, require a significance level criterion of 0.05 and comparing tcount with ttable so that it can be concluded that the think pair share model assisted by word wall has a significant effect on interest and results. studying material on the human digestive system for class V students at SDN 01 Pengkol Sukoharjo. Keywords: Think pair share, Word wall, Interest in learning, learning outcomes

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