
AbstractBy means of a single injection technique diffusion capacities for 14C‐sucrose and 3H‐polyethylene glycol (M.W. 800–1000) (PEG), expressed as the PS‐product of Renkin, were determined in dog subcutaneous adipose tissue.Under resting conditions PS for sucrose and PEG were approximately 2 and 1 ml × min‐1× 100 g‐1 respectively. During maximal vasodilatation induced by prostaglanclin E2 (PGE2) and papaverine the PS‐products were approximately doubled. The effects of sympathetic nerve stimulation (1–6 Hz) and histamine on the diffusion capacities were compared with controls at the same blood flow. During sympathetic nerve stimulation PS for sucrose increased 15 % in spite of a vasoconstriction. When superimposed on a maximal vasodilatation sympathetic nerve stimulation induced increases in PS for sucrose of approximately 40 % and in PS for PEG of about 20 %. Histamine increased PS for sucrose 40 % in a dosedependent fashion compared with a vasodilatation of the same magnitude induced by papaverine or PGE2. The results indicate that sympathetic nerve stimulation causes an increase in vascular permeability for solutes in canine subcutaneous adipose tissue. Histamine seems to have the same effect.

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