
Segment power can be estimated from the rate of change of segment energy or from segment endpoint dynamics. The inequality between these two calculations is termed the segment power imbalance (DeltaP). Explanations for this imbalance have been largely anecdotal. We used 3D gait data for 20 young, healthy adults to show experimentally that DeltaP is always zero when rigid body assumptions are strictly adhered to. We show mathematically and experimentally that DeltaP is non-zero (range: <1-100 W) when segment endpoints move relative to the segment center of mass (COM). We also show that Lagrangian numerical differentiation of segment endpoint trajectories produce small velocity artifacts which result in observable DeltaP (range: 0.3-5 W). The benefits of obtaining a small DeltaP was found to be offset by large discrepancies (range: 8-54 W) in joint power across the joint gap. For the foot, large DeltaP (range: 23-106 W) was observed when the distal velocity component included velocity of the center of pressure relative to the foot's COM. Our results suggest that, unless interpreted carefully, segment power calculations can potentially lead to erroneous clinical judgement. Copyright 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

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