Introduction. One of the main indicators refl ecting the functional state of the athlete′s organism and limiting his professional achievements in such sports as volleyball, basketball, handball, etc., is jumping ability. Sharp accelerations and jolts of the lower limbs during jumping and landing can contribute to the formation of reversible structural and functional changes in volleyball athletes, both in the region of the lower limbs and in the overlying regions, including the pelvis. Somatic dysfunctions (SD) of the pelvic region can contribute to the formation of lower limb length disparity (LLLD) and activation of myofascial trigger points with the appearance of myofascial pain syndrome, decreased strength of the corresponding muscles, limiting the functional state of the athlete. In the conditions of toughening of anti-doping legislation, the requirements to injury prevention and improvement of functional capabilities of volleyball athletes using non-medicamentous methods of infl uence are increasing.The aim of the study: to substantiate the inclusion of osteopathic correction in the support of training and playing processes of volleyball athletes.Materials and methods. A randomised controlled prospective study involved 45 female volleyball athletes of a professional volleyball team. Inclusion criteria: age 16–25 years; high level of sportsmanship; satisfactory general health at the time of the fi rst examination and throughout the study programme. Inclusion criteria: conditions and diseases that are absolute contraindications to osteopathic correction; contraindications to functional tests; presence of anatomical LLLD. According to the inclusion and non-inclusion criteria, 32 subjects were selected and divided using the randomisation envelope method into main and control groups of 16 subjects each. At the beginning of the study, the osteopathic status, clinical parameters (severity of LLLD, pain according to verbal rating scale) and jump height were assessed. Osteopathic correction was performed only in the main group and only 1 time at the beginning of the study. In both groups, standard treatment was applied as indicated. After that, dynamic studies in both groups (1 week, 2 weeks, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months) with evaluation of osteopathic status, clinical parameters and jump height were performed.Results. No global level SD was found in the study group. Various regional level SDs were identifi ed in volleyball athletes, the most frequently identifi ed for this group were SDs of the regions pelvic somatic component (100 per 100 subjects), lumbar somatic component (94 per 100 subjects), thoracic somatic component (87 per 100), lumbar visceral component (65 per 100) and pelvic visceral component (59 per 100). Also characteristic for this group were SDs of the local level, which were chronic in nature (muscular-fascial formations and joints of the upper and lower extremities). Inclusion of osteopathic correction in athletes of the main group led to a decrease in the frequency of detection of regional and local level SD (p<0,05) compared to athletes of the control group. All clinical parameters and jump height in the main group improved signifi cantly (p<0,05) and remained at the achieved level for about 2 months.Conclusion. The obtained data demonstrate the positive infl uence of osteopathic correction on the functional state of volleyball athletes, and the most important indicator for them — jumping ability. We can recommend the use of osteopathic correction every 2 months in the accompaniment of professional athletes-volleyball players.
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