
The study aims to determine whether there is an influence between learning styles, learning motivation, learning environment, and parental socio-economic status towards student learning achievement. The study was conducted from May to July 2019. The method of study used is a survey method with causality approach. The population in this study is high school/SMK/college student with 201 respondents. The sampling technique used is nonprobability purposive sampling technique which is high school/SMK/student students who reside in DKI Jakarta area, so the sample in this study amounted to 201 respondents. Data collection techniques using literature techniques and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques using IBM SPSS software with classical analysis. Results show that variables that have a major influence on learning achievement are learning styles. While variables that have a low influence on learning achievement are learning environments. Environmental value 0.011 > 0.05 indicates that the learning environment has a negative relationship direction. So it can be said, if high learning achievement then it does not necessarily have a learning environment that supports in improving the achievement of learning. The learning environment does not necessarily produce good learning achievements. The explanation above shows that there is a common influence – the same and significant between learning styles, learning motivation, learning environment, and the socio-economic Status of parents.

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