
The objectives of this study are 1) Knowing how to implement Financial Literacy education for children in MI East OKU. 2) Knowing how the entrepreneur spirit in children in MI East OKU. 3) Knowing how big the influence of financial literacy on the entrepreneur spirit of the children of MI East OKU. The method used is mixed methods. Qualitative methods are used to find the hypothesis, while quantitative methods are used to test research hypotheses. Sampling using purposive sampling technique by determining the criteria for financial literacy and entrepreneur spirit. The sample in this study was MI Nurul Iman with MIN 02 East OKU based on observations that met the criteria. Qualitative data collection techniques using observation and interviews while quantitative using a questionnaire. Quantitative data analysis techniques using calculations and simple linear regression. Based on calculations, financial literacy data obtained a value of 73% of the expected. While the entrepreneur spirit of students is 75% of what is cultivated. Furthermore, the effect of the two using simple linear regression obtained sig of 0.029 <0.05 so it can be concluded that H0 which reads there is no influence between financial literacy on the entrepreneur spirit of students is rejected, and Ha is accepted which means that there is an influence between financial literacy on the entrepreneur spirit of students. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the application of financial literacy on the entrepreneur spirit of children in MI East OKU.


  • Person's economic mindset can influence behavior in the economy leading to consumptive activities or productive activities

  • RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This study aims to: (1) Find out how the implementation of Financial Literacy education for children in MI East OKU. (2) Knowing how the spirit of entrepreneur children in MI East OKU (3) To find out how much influence financial literacy has on the entrepreneur spirit of MI children East OKU

  • Children are at the pre-school stage as well as at the elementary school stage, individuals who are at the abstract stage or likened to a white paper who need to be given knowledge and understanding of the basics of the economy and managing finances (Mulyadi & Trizki : 2012)

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Person's economic mindset can influence behavior in the economy leading to consumptive activities or productive activities. This perspective can affect the unemployment rate which in turn will have an impact on the national economy. Behavior that tends to be consumptive based on a capitalist point of view can weaken productivity so that it has an impact on high crime rates, increased unemployment, and increased poverty rates (Akmah and Saputra, 2016: 235-236). Financial literacy in the context of formal education can be taught through education and can be linked to learning materials, for example in social studies lessons on buying and selling materials, or in other materials, for example in PKN subjects on nationality, so the

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