
In accordance with the growing importance of the Internet and the Information and Communication Technologies required to exploit its full potential, a wide array of research has been focused on technology adoption models. Next to this, different forms of advertising like word of mouth marketing play an increasing role in targeting customers and sell products and services. Based on an interdisciplinary systematic literature review, this paper investigates whether there is theoretical or empirical research on the influence of advertising on the process of consumers’ technology adoption behavior. The findings uncover a gap in the current IS (Information Systems) and marketing literature by finding no paper that incorporates a concept of advertising in a technology adoption model. Following that interesting and surprising finding, we contribute to current research by synthesizing twelve articles related to our research question by providing a concept matrix that categorizes the identified articles by four advertising strategies and by the channels of influence through which advertising works on adoption behavior. Thus, we strongly encourage further research in this highly interesting and important research field.

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