
The current work is a major extension of two very different studies carried out previously to investigate factors that affect the peel strength of single-polymer composites produced by the Leeds hot compaction process. First, it was found that the peel strength was significantly increased by introducing interleaved films, of the same polymer, between the layers of woven oriented tapes that make up the composite. Secondly, it was shown that incorporation of carbon nanofibres (CNF) into the oriented tapes prior to hot compaction could also increase peel strength.In the present study we have investigated the amalgamation of these two approaches, in particular to see if there are synergistic advantages in the combination. Samples were produced with and without interleaved films, and with and without carbon nanofibres, located either in the oriented polypropylene tapes, in the interleaved film or in both. Maximum peel strength was achieved with the combination of the interleaved film and the incorporated nanofibres, but importantly this could be achieved with the CNF located only in the film. This has significant processing and performance advantages as the incorporation of CNF into the oriented tapes tends to limit the drawability of the polypropylene due to internal voiding around the particles.Scanning electron micrographs of the hot compacted composites show a strong correlation between the observed damage on the peel surfaces and the measured peel loads. It is shown that the peel load is dependent on the fraction of melted matrix at the interface and hence the interleaved films give additional matrix material at this point. It is also shown that the incorporation of CNF promotes fibrillation, and so increases the amount of energy absorbed during peeling.

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